Procurement of the certification ISO 9001
Procurement of the certification Qualimat and membership Aplica on the site Lillebonne
Procurement of the certification SQAS
Signing of the C02 Charter
Procurement of the certifications Halal and Casher on the site Lillebonne
Procurement of the certification ISO 22000 on the alimentary activity and on the label Co2 for all the group Delisle Fleet
member ship Aplica on the site of Fagnières
ISO 9001
The following sites are included in the certification field ISO 9001 : 2015 :
Route de Provins
- Convey of alimentary products and industrial products in powder tanker.
- Transport of bulk products and industrial tipper.
- Interiors wash of food and industrial tanker washing and tippers agroalimentary and industrial tanker.
- Exterior wash of industrial vehicles.
Chemin des Ajaux
- Convey of liquid products agroalimentary in liquid tanker.
- Convey of bulk products and agro-alimentary tipper.
- Interiors wash of food and industrial tanker washing and tippers agroalimentary and industrial tanker.
- Exterior wash of industrial vehicles.
Z.A. de Herbages
Port Jérôme
- Storage of alimentary and industrial conditioned products.
- Interiors wash of food and industrial tanker washing and tippers agroalimentary and industrial tanker.
- Exterior wash of industrial vehicles.
Avenue de l'Europe
- Convey of conditioned products.
- Exterior wash of industrial vehicles.
ZAD de la préférence
- Convey of agro-alimentary products in liquid tanker.
- Exterior wash of industrial vehicles.
ISO 22000
The following sites are included in the certification field ISO 22000 : 2005 :
Route de Provins
- Convey of alimentary products in powdered tanker.
- Interior wash of alimentary tanker.
Chemin des Ajaux
- Convey of agro-alimentary liquid products in liquid tanker.
- Interior wash of alimentary tanker.
Z.A. de Herbages
Port Jérôme
- Interior wash of alimentary tanker.
ZAD de la préférence
- Convey of agro-alimentary liquid products in liquid tanker.
- Company DVB on Breny.
- Company TLD on Fagnières.
- Company TLD on Bollène.
- Company JLD on La Ferté Gaucher.
- Wash station of La Ferté-Gaucher, Fagnières and Lillebonne.
- Storage of Lillebonne.
- Transport Activity on La Ferté-Gaucher and Fagnières.
Label CO2
- All the firms of the transport group of Delisle.
HACCP : Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point
It’s a system that identifies, evaluates and controls those significant hazards involved in the safety of aliments.
It’s a method of mastery of the sanitary safety of food stuffs were the objectives for prevention, elimination or reduction to an acceptable level in all biological hazards , chemical or physical.
Commit in the approach Objectives Co2
The charter Objectives co2 fits in a global procedure of fight against the climate change and more precisely of discount of Co2 emissions, in line with conclusions of Grenelle Environment.
The procedure objectives Co2 address all haulage company other account regardless their size or their activity, and to companies and shippers with own-account fleets for own account only (only vehicles with a GVWR greater than 3.5 tonnes are concerned). Firms involved for 3 years in a concrete and customizable action plan to diminish their consummation of fuel and, consequently, their CO2 emissions (mainly greenhouse gas).
This approach provides to firms a coherent, reliable and nationally recognized methodology in the framework of the activities of the Energy Environment Observatory.
When the results are satisfying and the objectives are reached, the firm asked the obtention of the Label co2
A voluntary charter of commitments
To sign the charter and thus integrate the approach, the firm had to respect the prerequisites.
- Carry out a CO2 diagnosis which aims in particular to make an inventory of its situation, to choose the scope of engagement and the year of reference.
- Define two indicators of environmental performs referral to the firms (g CO2/km et g CO2/t.km) , with each an objectives of reduce to 3 years.
- Define an action plan basis over 3 years (with help of actions files to downloaded lower). He have to be develop around the four axes of the approach (the vehicle, the fuel, the driver, and the organization of the transport flows).
- Choose at least one action per axis, it precised that any action retained will have to correspond to an objectives figured and measurable at reach un a delay determined therewith that can follow and evalues the results gathered.